Hands using a red pencil to mark a declutter challenge sheet indoors.

30-Day Decluttering Challenge With Free Printable

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Feeling overwhelmed by clutter? You’re not alone. Tackling piles of stuff can seem daunting, but with a step-by-step plan, it’s totally doable. Enter the 30-Day Decluttering Challenge—a daily guide to help you clear the clutter, find what you love, and create a more peaceful, organized home.

Let’s break this challenge into bite-sized tasks, one day at a time, to make the process manageable and even fun. You can also download this free printable to help you stay on track!

P.S. Also be sure to check out my detailed room-by-room decluttering plan here.

Week 1: Quick Wins to Build Momentum

Day 1: Clear the Kitchen Counter

  • Goal: Remove everything that doesn’t belong.
  • Task: Toss expired coupons, relocate stray items, and wipe down the surface. Ah, so satisfying!

Day 2: Declutter Your Purse or Bag

  • Goal: Lighten your load.
  • Task: Empty your bag, toss old receipts and gum wrappers, and keep only essentials.

Day 3: Tidy the Junk Drawer

  • Goal: Bring order to chaos.
  • Task: Empty the drawer, sort items into categories, and discard what’s broken or useless.

Day 4: Donate Unworn Clothes

  • Goal: Simplify your wardrobe.
  • Task: Go through your closet and pull out clothes you haven’t worn in a year. Bag them up for donation.

Day 5: Organize Your Nightstand

  • Goal: Create a calming space.
  • Task: Remove old books, empty water glasses, and organize essentials like a lamp or journal.

Day 6: Purge Expired Pantry Items

  • Goal: Free up space for fresh ingredients.
  • Task: Check dates on spices, canned goods, and snacks. Toss anything past its prime.

Day 7: Celebrate Your Progress!

  • Goal: Reflect and recharge.
  • Task: Take before-and-after photos, share your wins, and treat yourself to something special (like a clutter-free coffee corner!).

Week 2: Tackling Everyday Spaces

Week 2: Tackling Everyday Spaces

Day 8: Declutter the Bathroom Counter

  • Goal: Simplify your morning routine.
  • Task: Remove old products, wipe down surfaces, and keep only the essentials you use daily.

Day 9: Organize Your Desk

  • Goal: Boost productivity.
  • Task: Sort papers, toss dried-up pens, and create designated spaces for supplies.

Day 10: Sort Through Shoes

  • Goal: Streamline your collection.
  • Task: Donate pairs you don’t wear and organize the rest by season or frequency of use.

Day 11: Clear Out the Fridge

  • Goal: Make room for fresh food.
  • Task: Toss expired items, wipe shelves, and organize by category.

Day 12: Donate Books You Don’t Love

  • Goal: Curate a library that inspires you.
  • Task: Keep only books you truly enjoy or plan to read and donate the rest.

Day 13: Organize Under the Sink

  • Goal: Eliminate chaos.
  • Task: Use bins or baskets to group similar items and dispose of empty or expired cleaning products.

Day 14: Reset the Living Room

  • Goal: Create a relaxing space.
  • Task: Remove clutter, fluff pillows, and add a cozy throw or candle for ambiance.

Week 3: Dive Deeper

Day 15: Declutter the Garage or Storage Area

  • Goal: Reclaim forgotten spaces.
  • Task: Sort items into keep, donate, and toss piles. Label storage bins for easy access.

Day 16: Purge Kids’ Toys

  • Goal: Encourage playtime without overwhelm.
  • Task: Donate toys they’ve outgrown and organize the rest by category or type.

Day 17: Organize Pet Supplies

  • Goal: Make pet care easier.
  • Task: Sort leashes, toys, and food into designated bins or areas.

Day 18: Sort Through Old Papers

  • Goal: Reduce paper clutter.
  • Task: Shred what you don’t need and file important documents in labeled folders.

Day 19: Tidy Your Entryway

  • Goal: Make a great first impression.
  • Task: Hang coats, organize shoes, and add a basket for keys or mail.

Day 20: Simplify Hobby Supplies

  • Goal: Keep only what sparks joy.
  • Task: Sort craft or hobby items and donate what you’ll never use.

Day 21: Rest and Reflect

  • Goal: Recharge your energy.
  • Task: Take a break, review your progress, and plan for the final week.

Week 4: Finish Strong

Day 22: Declutter Digital Files

  • Goal: Organize your digital life.
  • Task: Delete old emails, organize files into folders, and back up important data.

Day 23: Organize Seasonal Decor

  • Goal: Make holidays stress-free.
  • Task: Sort decorations by season, discard broken items, and store in labeled bins.

Day 24: Simplify Your Makeup Collection

  • Goal: Streamline your routine.
  • Task: Toss expired products and organize makeup by type or use.

Day 25: Tidy Up the Laundry Area

  • Goal: Make laundry less of a chore.
  • Task: Organize detergents, clean the machines, and declutter unused items.

Day 26: Revisit the Closet

  • Goal: Maintain your wardrobe.
  • Task: Do a second pass to ensure everything left sparks joy.

Day 27: Declutter the Car

  • Goal: Enjoy a clean ride.
  • Task: Remove trash, wipe surfaces, and organize essentials like emergency kits.

Day 28: Sort Sentimental Items

  • Goal: Honor your memories.
  • Task: Decide what to keep, display, or store in a memory box.

Day 29: Create a Donation Drop-Off Plan

  • Goal: Finalize your efforts.
  • Task: Schedule a drop-off or pick-up for donation items and celebrate your progress.

Day 30: Celebrate Your Clutter-Free Space!

  • Goal: Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
  • Task: Take a final walk through your home, admire your work, and plan ways to maintain your clutter-free lifestyle.

Tips for Staying Motivated

  1. Set a Timer: Spend 15-30 minutes a day decluttering.
  2. Make It Fun: Play your favorite music or listen to a podcast.
  3. Enlist Help: Get family or friends involved to tackle bigger areas.
  4. Reward Yourself: Celebrate small wins with a treat or relaxing activity.

By the end of 30 days, you’ll have a refreshed, more organized home and a lighter mindset. You’ve got this!

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